Healthcare services Health tech innovation

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Healthcare is a dynamic and ever-evolving field, spanning continents, cultures, policies, and regulations. The challenges faced by healthcare organizations are as diverse as the patients they serve. Navigating one landscape can be challenging, let alone extracting valuable lessons and insights from another.

Whether it’s Iceland with its integrated systems and close-knit community, the sprawling US with open APIs accessible to citizens under Meaningful Use, or everything in between — including the NHS with its digital ambitions and the Netherlands already making significant progress — each presents unique intricacies and opportunities.

For many Health Tech Innovations healthcare can struggle with facilitating the challenges that often face small tech companies. It is vitally important to consider your route to market and which battles you pick, especially when pre and early-revenue.

Leveraging a wealth of cross-disciplinary expertise provides a shift in thinking, offering well-rounded strategic perspectives and fostering new ideas and innovation. This unique breadth of experience serves as the cornerstone for shaping plans, navigating challenges, and identifying opportunities.

Example projects and experience

Over 20 years experience in and around health technology gained through various positions and projects, including 7 years in the NHS. Relevant examples include :

  • Information Systems Lead at NHS National Screening Programmes
  • Assurance and rollout of eRedbook pilot at multiple NHS sites
  • Deployment of National Citizen Facing API in Iceland
  • Integration and piloting of app in the NHS.
  • Pharma Citizen Centricity projects in the US
  • Netherlands MedMij integration

Do you need support?

If you have a particular need within your team please feel free to reach out and discuss your requirements. Support can be provided in a number of areas including :

  • Shaping, strategy, plans and business development
  • Guidance and advice for project/product development
  • Input to bid development
  • Project / product delivery

Flexible arrangements to meet your specific needs. Choose from single-day(s), block draw down arrangements, or regular monthly commitment.

Get in touch